May 6, 2010

Masking out Difficult Images in Photoshop

It would be very difficult and time consuming to separate this image from its background because of the complexity and fine detail involved with the feathers on the lady’s headdress. This tutorial will focus on using Channels to help mask out a complex objects with clean edges. This technique will also save you a lot of time. The initial goal is to separate the feathers from the pink background on the left side of the face, there are lots of places where tiny bits of pink are showing through the feathers

May 2, 2010

Na'vi Avatar Photo Manipulation

This is a Photoshop tutorial showing you all the steps you need to take in order to photo-manipulate yourself into a Na'vi (based on the characters in James Cameron's movie "Avatar"). I used Photoshop CS2 in order to create this, but newer and older versions should do the same, as I used basic Photoshop tools only. I hope you will find this helpful.

Turn A Photo Into A Collage Of Polaroids In Photoshop

In this Adobe Photoshop tutorial, we're going to learn how to take a single photograph and turn it into a collage of polaroids, with each polaroid containing a small section of the overall image. You can use this effect with lots of different types of images, whether it's a photo of one person or several people. It's great for photos of family or friends, vacation photos, or even as a creative effect for wedding photography.

April 30, 2010

Ultra Glossy Liquid Metal Text Effect

This tutorial is mostly based on Layer style settings and a combination of a lot of Curves. When combined together, they give a rich, deep and glossy / beveled look to the text.
Let’s get started, create a new canvas, we used 600*500 size and filled it with very dark blue-gray color: #2d3134. We also made a little spot in the middle, to highlight the future effect.

April 27, 2010

Tips for Designing Newsletter Layouts in CorelDRAW

Not only is CorelDRAW one of the most robust illustration tools around, but unlike other graphics programs, it can also be used to create multipage layouts. This nifty feature makes it the perfect choice for designing projects like booklets, brochures, and newsletters. While expecting to create a 2,000-page catalog with CorelDRAW isn't realistic, handling a few dozen pages with CorelDRAW is a breeze.

  © Romantico by HI_HO 2010

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